Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Postpartum Haul!

This is my first time buying normal every day clothes as a Mom of 2! Here is the video I hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Transitions are hard...

I have been struggling a lot lately, if you follow me on my youtube channel, here, and or my social medias then you know that I have been all over the place for years. There are a lot of things that I have been dealing with my personal life that make my professional life always take a back seat. I have been making excuses for myself and my lack of success in different ventures I have attempted, but in the end it is all on me. I have been half way trying to do so many different things that I get nothing. To combat this I have decided to close my in home daycare. I have always wanted to do youtube for real and I am finally ready to do that. My life is really hard right now and I can't keep up the daycare anymore. It seems to be getting in the way more than it is helping. I have been going through a really hard time in my marriage as well and that has been happening for the last 3 years. Even though I won't get into what all is occurring, it is important to mention it. I am at an extreme crossroads in my life right now and have this overwhelming urge to do what I want and go with it. I feel really good about this and I know I can make this work. This is my first video on my new youtube channel. Go check it out and subscribe, I think you will really like my content and what I have to offer.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Closing my Etsy Shop and I had a BABY!


  Closing my Etsy shop was a hard decision to make, but it had to be done. There are many reasons why I closed it down, the first reason is that it wasn't working. I did everything that every blog, video, and email newsletter told me to do to succeed. It had been 2 years of me doing my best with the time and attention I have to give to it. So I made my Amazon Handmade shop and closed down my Etsy. Amazon is less about the seller and more about a good price, so it works for me and my limited time and attention. I make my product, take photos, list it, and forget about it until it sells. I like that and with an almost 2 year old, a 3 week old, and an in home daycare that is what I need. I also sell out of two boutiques here in North Carolina, but dropping off inventory and getting a check every month works for me as well.


     I figured now is as good a time as any to announce that I had a baby!! She is 3 weeks old and her name is Rheina. She is a beautiful and sweet baby girl and we couldn't be happier with our new addition. Aava, my almost 2 year old, is doing amazing with her. She is gentle, sweet and hasn't been jealous or rough with her. I feel so happy and grateful for my life. I have never really touched on my marriage or anything about my husband in fact, but we are so happy with our family and we are really loving life right now. It has been a difficult adjustment for him as he is not used to having so many new responsibilities with Aava, but he is getting used to it and becoming very helpful.
     Many more updates to come in future blogs. Have a great day and I will speak to you in my next blog! Please leave a comment telling me how you handled introducing your baby to your older children, I would love to hear about it and talk.


Link to my Amazon Handmade, I only have one product available currently as I am taking photos of my new inventory to post there over the next few days.

The Other Side Of Alex

The Other Side Of Alex
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